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Until you(歌曲)
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《Until You》,是Shayne Ward于2007年11月26號發行一首屬于專輯《Breathless》中演唱的情歌。肖恩·沃德是英國歌唱選秀節目“The X Factor”2005年度總冠軍,一顆在英國樂壇冉冉升起的新星,Shayne Ward正在用自己俊朗的外表和優美高亢的聲線征服全世界的樂迷。
  • 中文名: 直到遇(yu)見(jian)你
  • 外文名: Until you
  • 主唱: Shayne Ward
  • 類型: 流(liu)行音樂
  • 片長: 4分(fen)8秒
  • 專輯: 《Breathless》
  • 作曲: RAMI
  • 語種: 英(ying)語
  • 發行/播出時間: 2007年11月26日
詳(xiang)細(xi)介紹 PROFILE +

Baby life was good to me

But you just made it better

I love the way you stand by me

Through any kind of weather

I don't wanna run away just wanna make your day

When you feel the world is on your shoulders

Don't wanna make it worse just wanna make us work

Baby tell me I will do whatever

It feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me

Feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me

Feels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me

Baby nobody nobody until you

Baby it just took one hit of you

Now I'm addicted

You never know what's missing

Till you get everything you needed

I don't wanna run away just wanna make your day

When you feel the world is on your shoulders

I don't wanna make it worse just wanna make us work

Baby tell me I will do whatever

It feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me

Feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me

Feels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me


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