《The Power of The Dream》是席琳迪(di)翁(weng)演唱(chang)歌曲,由L.Thompson填詞,大衛福斯特譜曲,收錄在專輯(ji)《The Collector's Series Volume One》中。
Deep within each heart
there lies a magic spark
that lights the fire of our imagination
And since the dawn of man
the strength of just I can
has brought together people of all nations
There's nothing ordinary in
the living of each day
There's a special part everyone of us will play
Feel the flame forever burn
teaching lessons we must learn
to bring us closer to the power of the dream
1996年第26屆(jie)亞(ya)特蘭大(da)奧(ao)運會開幕式歌曲《The Power Of The Dream》,中文名(ming)為《夢想的力量》。演唱(chang)者(zhe)為席琳迪(di)翁,作曲大(da)衛福斯特,作詞L.Thompson。