這首"Lemon Tree"是寫一位大(da)男孩在某個(ge)下著太陽雨的星期天(tian)下午等(deng)著他的女朋友,歌曲(qu)將等(deng)人時(shi)的焦慮(lv)不(bu)安及胡思亂(luan)想的心(xin)情表現得(de)淋漓盡致。
Fool's Garden幾乎可(ke)以和"Lemon Tree"劃等(deng)號,從最初組隊到由此(ci)曲(qu)走紅,Fool's Garden已(yi)在(zai)地下(xia)摸爬滾打了(le)5年(nian),其(qi)貌不(bu)揚的(de)(de)他們(men)直到德國(guo)電臺聽眾紛紛點(dian)播"Lemon Tree"時才為(wei)人所(suo)知。1996年(nian)這(zhe)首傳(chuan)唱至今的(de)(de)經典歌曲(qu)讓全(quan)(quan)世界記住了(le)這(zhe)個來自德國(guo)的(de)(de)年(nian)輕(qing)樂隊。然(ran)而(er)也正(zheng)是(shi)"Lemon Tree"所(suo)創造(zao)的(de)(de)輝煌巔峰將Fool's Garden推入了(le)已(yi)有無數前車之(zhi)(zhi)鑒的(de)(de)"One Hit Wonder"的(de)(de)尷(gan)尬境地,重蹈覆轍的(de)(de)他們(men)之(zhi)(zhi)后(hou)音樂再也未(wei)能(neng)超(chao)越"Lemon Tree"這(zhe)首蜚聲全(quan)(quan)球的(de)(de)紅曲(qu)而(er)漸(jian)漸(jian)地無人問津了(le)。
I'm sitting here in a boring room
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do
I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder
I'm driving around in my car
I'm driving too fast I'm driving too far
I'd like to change my point of view
I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder
I wonder how I wonder why
Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree
I'm turning my head up and down