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It G Ma(歌曲)
0 票數:0 #歌曲#
《It G Ma (Remix)》是一首韓國的歌曲,演唱者是Keith Ape,由唱片公司KT Music在2015年08月19日發行,歌曲風格是流行說唱與Pop Rap。?? ?,Underwater squad,??? ?? camo,Orca ninjas go rambo,?? ?,Underwater squad,??? ?? camo,Orca ninjas go rambo,?? ? ?? ? ??? ???,?? ? ?? ? ??? ?? ?,?? ? ?? ? ?? ?...
  • 中文名: 別忘(wang)了(le)
  • 外文名: It G Ma,?? ?
  • 主唱: Keith Ape
  • 類型: 流行(xing)說唱
  • 片長: 5分22秒
  • 語種: 韓語,英語
  • 發行/播出時間: 2015年08月19日
詳細介紹(shao) PROFILE +


?? ?

Underwater squad

??? ?? camo

Orca ninjas go rambo

?? ?

Underwater squad

??? ?? camo

Orca ninjas go rambo

[Verse 1: Waka Flocka Flame]

All the young bitches wanna fuck a gold mine

Young Rambo, hunnid Glocks hangin' on my shoulder

What the fuck you fuck niggas talkin' about?

You ain't talkin' real loud when the bosses around

Sacrifice you niggas, it's an offerin' now

All you rap niggas turn up with marketin' now?

Till I run up in your house, it's a robbery now

Gimme that advance nigga, devil gon' dance, nigga

Don't make me grab my choppa

You don't wanna see these hands, nigga

Put you in the desert, under 30 feet sand, nigga

I'm the badman, run this muthafuckin' land, nigga

Plant a landmine better watch where you stand

It G ma, hollows gonna fly, it's a homicide

Mamas gon' cry, sing a lullaby

It's about us, never 'bout I, It's about trust never 'bout lies


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