《照亮我(wo)》是由???指導,姜有錫、高(gao)宇鎮 、 ??? 、 ??? 、??? 為主演的劇(ju)。
Tae Kyung是一(yi)名18歲(sui)的(de)(de)(de)高中生(sheng)。他(ta)(ta)(ta)也(ye)是一(yi)個(ge)終生(sheng)的(de)(de)(de)孤獨者。但有(you)(you)一(yi)天(tian),他(ta)(ta)(ta)開始質疑自己的(de)(de)(de)判斷,并(bing)告訴一(yi)位老師他(ta)(ta)(ta)不(bu)再(zai)希望(wang)一(yi)個(ge)人呆(dai)著。問題是,他(ta)(ta)(ta)不(bu)知道(dao)如(ru)何開始結交(jiao)新朋友(you)。老師建議他(ta)(ta)(ta)加入學校的(de)(de)(de)學生(sheng)會(hui)。他(ta)(ta)(ta)同(tong)意,但發現(xian)交(jiao)朋友(you)可能比這(zhe)更難似乎(hu)(hu)。他(ta)(ta)(ta)遇到(dao)了理事(shi)會(hui)副會(hui)長申宇(yu),他(ta)(ta)(ta)冷(leng)(leng)靜(jing)冷(leng)(leng)靜(jing),但對(dui)他(ta)(ta)(ta)也(ye)有(you)(you)些冷(leng)(leng)淡,不(bu)愿接(jie)受泰京(jing)。然而,他(ta)(ta)(ta)也(ye)遇到(dao)了超級有(you)(you)魅(mei)力的(de)(de)(de)理事(shi)會(hui)主席:大(da)安(an)(an),他(ta)(ta)(ta)似乎(hu)(hu)對(dui)他(ta)(ta)(ta)一(yi)見(jian)鐘(zhong)情(qing)(qing)(qing)。大(da)安(an)(an)和(he)泰京(jing)似乎(hu)(hu)有(you)(you)戀情(qing)(qing)(qing)的(de)(de)(de)開始,但新宇(yu)似乎(hu)(hu)并(bing)不(bu)同(tong)意。事(shi)情(qing)(qing)(qing)變得更加復雜,因(yin)為大(da)安(an)(an)的(de)(de)(de)密友(you)——暗戀大(da)安(an)(an)——嫉妒他(ta)(ta)(ta)們(men)的(de)(de)(de)親密關(guan)系,并(bing)試圖(tu)在他(ta)(ta)(ta)們(men)之間(jian)制造楔子.
~~從手機(ji)游戲(xi)“Saebit男子中學議會”( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? )的第7天( ? ? ? ? )改編
Tae Kyung is a 18-year-old high school student. He is also a lifelong loner. But one day, he starts questioning his own judgment and tells a teacher that he no longer wishes to be alone. The problem is, he has no idea how to start going about making new friends. The teacher advises him to join the school’s student council. He agrees, but discovers that making friends may be harder than it seems.He meets the Vice President of the council, Shin Woo, who is cool and level-headed, but also somewhat cold toward him and reluctant to accept Tae Kyung. However, he also meets the super-attractive President of the council: Da On, who appears to take an instant shine to him. The beginnings of a romance appear to be in the cards for Da On and Tae Kyung, but Shin Woo does not seem to approve. Matters are further complicated by the fact that Da On’s close female friend – who secretly loves Da On – is jealous of their closeness, and attempts to drive a wedge between them!
~~ Adapted from the mobile game “Saebit Boys High School Council" (???????) by Day7 (????)
播出時間: 2021年6月(yue)29日(ri) - 2021年8月(yue)19日(ri)
播出時間(jian): 周(zhou)二周(zhou)四