這是(shi)一(yi)(yi)首經典的世(shi)(shi)界(jie)杯主題(ti)(ti)曲,1998 年世(shi)(shi)界(jie)杯主題(ti)(ti)曲之(zhi)一(yi)(yi),演(yan)唱(chang)者是(shi)瑞奇·馬汀。該歌曲選(xuan)自(zi)他1998年專輯(ji)《讓愛繼(ji)續》(Vuelve),并獲(huo)得全球30個國(guo)家(jia)單曲排(pai)行的冠軍,也(ye)是(shi)1998年法國(guo)世(shi)(shi)界(jie)杯的另一(yi)(yi)首主題(ti)(ti)曲。“生命之(zhi)杯” 在世(shi)(shi)界(jie)杯之(zhi)后也(ye)傳播甚廣(guang),成(cheng)為(wei)很多足球節(jie)目用(yong)(yong)來烘(hong)托氣氛(fen)的第一(yi)(yi)選(xuan)用(yong)(yong)曲目。歌曲中(zhong)(zhong)的鼓樂節(jie)奏和(he)號角奏鳴都頗為(wei)煽情。歌曲中(zhong)(zhong)融合了英語以及西班牙(ya)語。
The Cup Of Life
Do you really want it? (Yeah!)
Do you really want it? (Yeah!)
Do you really want it? (Yeah!)
Go, go, go (Go, go, go)
Ale, ale, ale (Ale, ale, ale)
Go (Go)
Go (Go)
Go (Go)
Go (Go)
Here we go!
The cup of life,
This is the one.
Now is the time,
Don't ever stop.
Push it along,
Gotta be strong,
Push it along,
Right to the top.
Como Cain y Abel