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【意式甜點】意大利甜點的代表 十大經典意大利甜品甜點

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【意式甜點】意大(da)利(li)甜點的代表 十大(da)經典意大(da)利(li)甜品甜點


10 Struffoli


Struffoli is a traditionally Neapolitan dessert that consists of marble-sized deep fried balls of dough. They are often mixed with other sweet things such as honey.

9 Tartufo di Pizzo (含有松露的一種的冰激凌甜品)

Tartufo di Pizzo是(shi)來自坎布里亞大區的(de)一種蛋糕,內含巧(qiao)克力夾心,外面(mian)撒有可可粉和白(bai)糖。

A typical pastry product from what is now Calabria. It is a hand-shaped cake with a heart of chocolate, melted and covered with sprinkles of cocoa powder and sugar.

8 Biscotti(一種烤餅干)

Biscotti的全(quan)名叫做(zuo)biscotti di Prato,其制(zhi)法(fa)是在蛋糕經過兩次(ci)烘焙之(zhi)后,趁熱從烤(kao)箱中取出,并(bing)制(zhi)成如(ru)圖(tu)形狀的餅(bing)干。

The full name for biscotti is biscotti di Prato. These cakes are twice baked. While still hot and fresh in the oven, these large almond biscuits are cut.

7 Babà/朗姆酒糕


Even though it may have Polish origins, the Babà is now typically a product that you would find in Naples. They are liquid saturated yeast cakes. These are often filled with pastry cream or whipped cream.

6 Ciarduna(一種意大利糕點)


Traditionally from Palermo, Ciarduna are sweet pastries. The pastries are made up from an almond cookie shell that is filled with mascarpone or ricotta filling. There are also varieties that are filled with powdered sugar and chocolate frosting or covered in a chocolate shell.

5 Panna Cotta/意式奶凍

雖然(ran)Panna Cotta源自(zi)皮埃蒙特(te)大區(qu),但現(xian)已成(cheng)為意大利各地均可見到(dao)的(de)甜品。這(zhe)種甜品通常會外澆焦糖、巧克力和果醬。

Originally, Panna Cotta is from the Piemonte region, but you can now find it all throughout Italy. It is usually served with caramel sauce, chocolate, or wild fruit coulis.

4 Cassata Siciliana/西西里卡薩塔蛋糕


A round sponge cake is moistened by liqueur or fruit juices and has layers of candied peel, vanilla, chocolate filling, or ricotta cheese. It is covered with a shell of green and pink pastel colored icing, marzipan, and layered with decorative designs.

3 Cannoli(意大利西西里島產的一種奶油甜酥卷)


Cannoli is a delicious pastry desert. They are usually filled with a creamy, sweet filling, often containing ricotta. These are well known in the United States as well.

2 Gelato(一種意大利特色的冰激凌冷飲)


The only thing to say about the Italian version of ice cream is that people do not actually realize what the big deal is about gelato until they try it.

1 Tiramisù /提拉米蘇


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